Latest update on the United Kingdom (UK) Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) upgrade to ESN

Further to our blog on the 19th May 2019 where the National Audit Office (NAO) raised doubts whether the new Emergency Services Network (ESN) will be fully cut-over by the end of 2022.

In a recent meeting of the Public Accounts Committee of the UK Parliament on the 10th September the Home Office Permanent Secretary Matthew Rycroft, acknowledged that the new Emergency Services Network (ESN) has been a “troubled program in the past,” but expressed confidence that the project “has turned a corner” and is on track.

Matthew Rycroft commented that “The absolute latest that we could turn Airwave off is 2025, and what we are seeking to do is to accelerate that date, so that we can turn it off by the beginning of 2024”

So in summary the new Emergency Services Network (ESN) in the United Kingdom (UK) is further delayed from the end of 2022 and it is expected they will stop using the Airwave TETRA system in 2024 or 2025 when the transition to an ESN LTE push-to-talk solution is scheduled for completion.